Bone Grafting for Implants

Our oral surgeons are dedicated to providing you with the best foundation for successful dental implants. Bone grafting is a key procedure that helps restore lost bone in your jaw, ensuring there is sufficient structure to securely hold dental implants in place.

Why Bone Grafting May Be Necessary After Extraction

After tooth extraction, if the walls of the socket are very thick, they will usually fill naturally with bone in two to three months. However, when the walls of your socket are very thin (such as in your upper and lower front teeth), this type of healing will be less predictable. In these situations, a bone graft is often placed during tooth extraction to help your body fill in the empty socket with bone. This step will maintain the width and volume of bone you need for implant placement several months later.

How Grafting Prepares You for Implants

There may be inadequate bone for implant placement if your tooth was removed many years ago and your bony ridge is extremely thin. In this case, a bone graft can be placed next to the thin bone and allowed to heal for up to six months. After the graft fuses to your pre-existing bone, the ridge will be re-entered and the implant placed.

Bone grafting is a relatively comfortable office procedure. Many different bone-grafting materials are available, including your own bone.

Enhancing Bone Height for Upper Jaw Implants

You may also need bone grafting if the sinus cavities in your upper jaw are very large, very low, or extend into the tooth-bearing areas. This often occurs when teeth in the back of a person’s upper jaw have been removed many years before, and the amount of bone available for implant placement is limited. A “sinus grafting procedure” is then required.

Most often, a sinus lift is performed in the office with local anesthesia and perhaps sedation. During the procedure, the membrane that lines the sinus will be located and elevated. Bone will then be added to restore the bone height and ensure dental implants of an adequate length can be placed. This procedure often can be performed at the time of implant placement.

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Do You Need Bone Grafting for Implants?

Bone grafting is often the first step toward a stable and functional dental implant. By rebuilding the jawbone, you’re investing in the long-term success of your oral health. If you’re considering dental implants and think you may need bone grafting, schedule a consultation with Dr. Butura today to explore your options and start your journey to a restored smile!

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American Association of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons
American Association of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons
American Association of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons
American Association of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons